Welcome to - Changzhou Jiulian Battery Material Co.,Ltd.

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                      Composite Separator
                      Glass fiber separator

                      Starting lead acid battery separator
                      The separators are used in automotive batteries and motorcycle starting batteries. Which enjoy the advantages of smooth surface, uniform thickness, high aperture ratio, low electric resistance, better mechanic strength and vibrant resistance. It can prolong the service life of battery and give out strong instant electric pulse for starting automobile. Our products can replace Nippon white separator and yellow separator. Each performance of the separator has reached the standard of JIS C 2313-1995, meanwhile in conformity with the specification detailed in JB/T 7630.1-2008.
                      We have an annual production capacity of 10 million square meters.

                      CopyRight ? 2019 Changzhou Jiulian Battery Material Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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